Monday, June 21, 2010

Making Real Estate Money-California Real Estate Investments

Planting California real estate investments today is a wise idea for those who want to quickly reap the harvest of what they sowed. California is not only good for Sunkist oranges, it’s also home to a very lucrative real estate market. It is up to you if you will scatter “seeds” in this farm. Here are two of “fast harvest” investing methods in California today.
The first is wholesaling houses. This is much like plant and harvest. That’s because California real estate investments are wholesaled fast and fast can be a few days. Reading this maybe contrary to the popular method of buying and holding real estate properties, but it is true. You can make money even just be quickly reselling properties, which is the basic premise of wholesaling and short-term real estate investing in general.
In this business, you will need to look for two things: sellers and buyers. You will serve as the bridge between the two parties. As a wholesaler, it is your duty to ensure that a seller is able to sell his property and a buyer is able to buy it. But if you think you need huge money to start in this business, you’re wrong. All you’ll need is enough money to convince sellers to place their property under contract. They will need a small deposit from you. Sometimes it could be as little as $10. Then, you will assign that contract to the buyer. The holder of the contract will have the right to buy the property. Since the buyer will need the contract, he will pay you a small amount for it. A small assignment fee in a state like California is probably at least $5,000.
The other method of planting California real estate investments fast is called rehabbing. This method is similar to plan-water-harvest. You will need to “grow” the house a bit before reselling it. By watering, it means improving the condition of the property. So to rehab houses, you will need to buy rundown properties at bargain prices. Then, you will spend some money to improve their condition. You will then resell them and cash you pay check. This method can last from a few weeks to a few months, depending on how fast you work.
To learn more about these “planting” methods, go to right now. The website has informational content about real estate investing in California and other parts of the country.


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